Unlearning Early Life Lessons – by Arnie Wohlgemut
How many of us have a life dream, one we can articulate with clarity? A dream where we were also able to identify all the constraints, we “believe” will prevent us from achieving this dream?
Your current limitations are largely, if not entirely, perceived. We humans have the natural ability to allow our beliefs to alter our circumstances.
“Half of Wisdom is learning what to unlearn.”
Larry Niven
Learn to Unlearn
The first thing we are taught when learning to ride a bicycle or to down hill ski is to stop.
What if there was an equal focus on turning, keeping our balance, and pivoting under control so that our motion continues to be forward, as it was to learn how to stop?
Wouldn’t life be different for all of us?
One of the movies I have enjoyed watching many times is The Equalizer. In one part of the movie, the main character Robert McCall had detained a corrupt police detective, asking him to reveal his exit strategy. This line has stuck with me and has always made me think about my own “exit strategy”.
How many of us have a plan that includes a way to stop or exit when things get difficult or painful?
“Every champion was once a contender that refused to give up.”
Rocky Balboa
Refuse to Give Up
One of the skills successful people learn is to pursue their dream with tenacity and determination.
They have learned to infuse their idea and dream with a sense of faith and a burning desire to achieve it.
My challenge for you and I is writing down our self-limiting beliefs and perceived current limitations, then, throw out that list. Repeat as necessary.
Unlearn the habit of stopping at the first sign of trouble or difficulty, learn the power of conviction, tenacity, and determination.
Arnie Wohlgemut is the Senior Consultant and President of KP Mylene & Associates “Building to Lead”, a leadership development and facilities management consulting company. He is passionate about supporting new or emerging leaders with unique and exciting resources that inspire them to reach their potential.
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