There is More to Me Than Meets the Eye! – by Arnie Wohlgemut
One question we ask ourselves (now more than ever) is: “Do I have what it takes?”
This is not a new question; we have asked this our whole life! We asked it when we where looking for our first summer job in High School, when we were accepted into college even when we are considering a career path. And we most certainly asked this question as soon as we started a family.
Even though it is a valid question, how we apply it quickly reveals a glitch.
- We compare ourselves to ourselves. We see our cracks and our failures. Since we as humans have a negative bias, we tend to assume that our cracks and failures make us unqualified or even less likely to be successful.
This is where we need to adjust our mindset to more than just projecting confidence. See your cracks and your failures as growth opportunities. This is the unique you!
“If when something bad happens you say – ‘it’s the story of my life’ – you need a new editor.”
Steven Furtick
- We measure ourselves by ourselves. Yes, we are afraid to ask for input and help. We tend to associate our confidence with the conflicting thoughts about ourselves. Why do we think this makes us unqualified?
Get past the first impressions of yourself. Challenge your own story so the truth about you can set you free. We need find a person who sees things we do not see in ourselves. Find a good coach and mentor!
“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.”
Proverbs 12:15
Do your glitches cause you to miss opportunities? Do not let your cracks and failures define you!
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