The Mirror and the Magnifying Glass – by Arnie Wohlgemut
One of the most difficult things when facing a challenge or a stressful situation is to maintain a positive attitude and mindset. Times like these requires us to improve one of our critical management or leadership skills – focus.
What you focus on has a direct impact on your attitude and mindset.
We have two virtual tools at our disposal, that if used wisely can help us in difficult situations and times of uncertainty.
“The greatest magnifying glasses in the world are a man’s own eyes when they look upon his own person.”
Alexander Pope
- The “Magnifying Glass”
We have the ability to magnify whatever it is we choose to magnify. As leaders, we sometimes have to encourage those under our care to avoid focusing on what they have lost.
In an online conversation recently, a young man was distracted by the fact that working from home was less than desirable. He wished he could be back in the office with “his work buddies”. This led to a great conversation about some other ways this experience could be made better.
This conversation also confirmed for me that you will find what you look for. If you magnify what you don’t have, soon all you will see is what you don’t have, and you’ll forget the 1000 good things that you have and have experienced.
“Experience is not the best teacher; evaluated experience is the best teacher. Reflective thinking is needed to turn experience into insight.”
John C Maxwell
- The “Mirror”
Looking at ourselves in a mirror as leaders, especially when something angers us, is seldom our first thought. Seriously, would you be happy to see how you are reacting in those moments?
However, the practice of reflection is the best catalyst for personal growth. When I see something in someone else that makes me angry, it often represents something in me.
When you look in the mirror, are you infected with the very issue you are trying to solve? Is the person looking back at you asking, “what kind of crazy are you?”
Both the magnifying glass and the mirror are important tools in our leadership toolbox that will help us become stronger and wiser.
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