Switch the Grip – by Arnie Wohlgemut
Have you ever had a great idea, put it into practice and see it grow successfully only to have someone else take credit for it?
And to make matters worse – it was your boss who steals the credit!
I believe it happens more often than we are willing to admit. It has happened to me! I then found myself becoming reserved and limiting how and when my ideas are made “public”.
This is one of many examples of work and life situations that many of us have faced. Here are three lessons I have learn that could help you in similar, unjust situations like this.
– Let it go.
“Hurt that sits in your heart too long turns into hate.”
Lysa Terkeurst
You cannot grow or move forward if you have a death grip on past hurts. You may feel really good about your own disfunction while discussing your boss’s shortcomings, but it may lead you to failure and will potentially change the relationship you have with them. The solution for me was to consciously forgive and move on!
– Know your value; Continue to contribute.
“If you are holding the football, you are going to get tackled.”
Sadie Huff
You may sometimes feel anger, or even betrayal but no matter what you feel, it is important to confront your feelings – whatever they are. The reality is that your boss may not even know they triggered these feelings, so do not let them take root in your mind without a discussion. The solution for me was to continue to add value to the organization and to those in my care.
– Expect the best – you will get the best.
“Our greatest power comes from the character we reveal.”
Carly Fiorina
You cannot change what you do not confront. Know who you want to be, the character values you wish to reveal, and strive to be that person. Surround yourself with people who can hold you accountable and develop good habits that are aligned with your character. My resolution was to never willingly handover my integrity because of what someone did to me.
In life, a lot of things happen that you do not want to have happen. Some are caused by people.
Individuals are fallible; principles stand the test of time. I hope the choice for you is as easy as it was for me and these lessons can help you grow!
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