Serve With Heart – The Key to Inspiration – By Arnie Wohlgemut
Over the many years when I have coached emerging leaders, I often note that the terms “delegate” and “empower” are used interchangeably.
Delegation is NOT empowerment – not even close.
Delegation is a transaction based on need. We delegate a task, maybe even authority to make a decision while we’re on vacation.
Most often delegation is assigned based on seniority and almost always has some limited responsibility. We articulate clearly when and what actions are needed. I have often delegated tasks to staff because they could do it better and faster than I could.
But that is not empowerment.
“A true leader leads by empowering not by enslaving.” – Debasish Mridha
First, empowerment is an expression of love. (Yes, I’m talking about love in a leadership blog!)
You love what they do for you and for your organization.
This is a love for the person. You’ve spent time with them and, you have developed an understanding and respect for each other.
You, the leader, see potential in them and are willing to help them grow through experience. They in turn appreciate the vision, the hopes and the expectations you have for them.
Love is an essential ingredient in being an inspiring leader!
Secondly, empowerment reflects your self-awareness.
I’m the type of person who loves to lead. A take-charge type of guy. I learned the hard way that I can’t do everything. I’ve often said the world doesn’t need another Arnie!
The world needs people who can ignite the spark in one another, nurture it into a flame and watch it burn in its amazing direction. This is the essence of inspiration.
I learned that I could love and respect a person enough to allow them to complete a project or an assignment in their own way. I am aware of my leadership tendency and know when to stay clear of creativity.
“Tomorrow’s leaders will not lead dictating from the front, nor pushing from the back. They will lead from the centre – from the heart.” – Rasheed Ogunlaru
If We as leaders truly value our staff, and value what they do for us, we need to set our ego aside.
The way someone else accomplishes a goal may look different from how You would do it. The path to the goal may take a whole new route, but if the outcome is effective, does it really matter how you got there?
I’ve never heard someone boast about having responsibilities delegated to them, I have however, heard people boast about a project or assignment that they completed with full authority, coaching and respect from their bosses.
Wouldn’t you want your name attached to that way of managing?
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