Ready to Declare a Reset? ~ by Arnie Wohlgemut
Every crisis creates an opportunity for growth. The Covid-19 pandemic is no exception to this. There are times however when we start to wonder about our own abilities to develop new skills and remain relevant.
Even though there appears to be ample time to stay current while working from home, the struggle to remain relevant continues.
Millions of people around the world have been forced to look for employment to support their families, and many of them are considering a new career path.
These challenges have raised the awareness of self-limiting beliefs and the state of our mindset. Here are some important items to consider that could lead to renewed energy and freedom.
“The gap between where we are and where we think we should be shapes our perception of ourselves and how we think others perceive us.”
Rebecca Minkoff
- Who told you that?
There have been times in my coaching and mentoring practice that I have had to ask that question. When our ‘normal’ is being challenged and our comfortable life is at risk, some people ask for input from many friends and family. Without careful consideration of who you are asking, it may lead to these self-limiting beliefs such as: “I’m not able to do that.” I am not smart enough to start that.” “No one will hire me because…”
Do not believe these often-self-induced thoughts! You have everything you need to grow your skills and abilities and have access to everything you need to succeed.
“When setting out on a journey, do not seek advice from those who have never left home.”
- Declare a reset.
This is the most important step in growth. To declare a reset, it will require a new mindset. Here are three things to consider:
- Only ask for advice from trusted people. Those that will be in your corner; those that are willing to invest in your success. A good coach and mentor are an example of such a person.
- When asking an open-ended question like “what do you think?”, make sure they think. Make sure they are not just repeating what they have heard or provide thoughts based on their own limited beliefs and biases. Expect a thoughtful answer.
- Ask for business advice from those that have that specific business experience. No one person has all the answers. No one person built a business alone. Weave all relied on someone else when our knowledge and experience cannot help us.
“You cannot correct what you are not willing to confront.”
Craig Groeschel
- Summon Courage!
Reflect to times in your life when you were the most courageous. We all have those times when we stepped out with courage and self confidence into a new relationship, employment, or career. Most often these times happened when you had a “I can do this” mindset and attitude.
Summon your courage, make a plan, and most important, your plan must include a first step. Without taking the first step, you will never move form the spot you are on.
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