Predictably Stupid – by Arnie Wohlgemut
Our past year has been so unsettling and boring at the same time. How can we be so bored and scared all at once? Did you ever imagine ever feeling this way in your lifetime?
On a day-to-day basis, parents are wondering… What do I do with my kids? Do I take them to school? Is the daycare open? Do I make them a lunch? Do I make myself a drink?
Kids are wondering… Am I going to school today? Am I ever going to see my friends again? Do I plot on how to drive my parents to drink (more coffee of course 😉)?
Retailers continue to wonder… When am I ever going to see a customer again? Will this uncertainty bankrupt my family? How will my staff survive?
Business owners are wondering how to encourage and inspire their employees in this new virtual world. At the same time, they are worrying about their own children and their mental well being.
And the questions continue….
“In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.”
Lee Iacocca
We are in a strange place these past 11 months. Everything we knew as “normal” is no longer but at the same time, it feels like another day on replay.
We all long to go back to BC (Before COVID). Sadly, for now we are, in-between the old normal and the unknown new normal, with nothing familiar to look forward to.
However, in the “nothing familiar” stage, I have been reminded that despite all the questions and uncertainty, or the many pessimistic things I might say to myself, I have an unprecedented opportunity to stop wasting time. I need to stop wasting my energy, my intellect, my passion, my thoughts.
You can too!
“Most limitations are a fragile collection of socially reinforced rules you can choose to break at any time.”
Tim Ferriss
Let us in this time in-between the old normal and the new normal, stop wasting our time, stop wasting our energy, our passion, and stop wasting our thoughts and intellect.
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