Murphy’s Law Revisited. – By Arnie Wohlgemut
Murphy’s Law should never have been written. Here it is, if you have already wiped it from your memory: “Everything that can go wrong will go wrong.”
Once you allow that to be your way of thinking, you are stuck.
“Be the hero of your own story. You are born to turn your mess into a message and the test into a testimony.”
Farshad Asl
I am happier today then I have ever been. In many ways I am ‘living the dream’. I am doing what I have dreamed about – and I love it.
Now do not get me wrong. Not everything is awesome in my life. I have barriers and challenges – pretty much everyday.
But I do not zero in on everything that was wrong in my life.
Gareth, a pastor friend of mine once spoke about disappointments and how we all have them. Not the “dog ate my burger before I could take a bite” type of disappointment. The type when a close friend betrays you; a family member steals from you; your kids believe lies told about you, and stop speaking to you during a divorce; an injustice at work; or the senseless killing of innocent children around the world…
I could go on and I am sure many of you could too but … STOP.
Think about it!
Could you also list the good things that happen to you? Do you have an attitude of never giving up on your friends, family, your kids, the world?
“The most dangerous thing in the world is to have no purpose.”
T. D. Jakes
There is an old saying, “you are what you eat”. Not what I am talking about but, you will become WHAT you think and WHAT you feed your mind.
There are so many angry people who are bent on fighting for what they want – rarely looking at the bigger picture. That anger feeds into daily life.
As I continue to develop my personal philosophy about life, I realize that I don’t want anger and disappointment to eat at me. It is a colossal waste of precious time. I can choose. What I choose will hugely impact how I feel about myself, how I approach the challenges I meet and how I relate to my work colleagues.
I choose to live with vision and expectation – not with anger bound by disappointment.
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