Lonely at the Top – By Arnie Wohlgemut
I have heard repeatedly that top executive and folks in high level positions say it is lonely at the top. I wonder why?
Is it that being successful attracts friends and family you didn’t know you had? Are the tough decisions you make scaring folks away or attracting a ‘different’ crowd? Is it the competitive nature of your business that limits your circle of friends?
Could be any one of these!
After all being in a position of authority is not about making friends, you have a job to do and results to deliver.
On the other hand, what would happen if you surround yourself with a great team of players that collectively make you stronger? People that you trust and respect, those who you could frankly discuss both challenges and opportunities. A team that has skills and experience that compliment yours.
I for one have never subscribed to the lonely at the top thing or felt lonely. Maybe I was fortunate or naïve.
I believe it’s a matter of attitude.
John Maxwell says, “One is a number too small to achieve greatness.” I think it is also too small a number to achieve great things.
Where do you stand? Alone?