Flipping the Flow. – By Arnie Wohlgemut
There are times when we simply repeat learned behaviour and reinforce our self-made limitations, not realizing they are not helping us reach our goals.
True to my human nature, I have a tendency to see others confusing their insecurities for truth before I see it in myself.
Recently I heard Steven Furtick speak and he posed several great questions: “When you react to something a person does or says to you, ask yourself: Where did this come from? What are my beliefs behind the behaviour?”
He goes on to talk about the importance of knowing what we put into our mind from our experiences as a truth; may not be!
“Be mindful of your thoughts, Anakin. They will betray you.”
Obi-Wan Kenobi
These questions challenged me to review some of my habits and thoughts. I need to ask them when I behave out of character. In particular, whenever I lose my cool.
In my experience, we lose our temper with those people who we know will forgive us. However, that doesn’t make it right.
For me, this happens when my insecurities are exposed.
I know better! I know in my heart that I have way more ability, than I believe I have.
“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”
Bruce Lee
The truth is our insecurities fade when we take our eyes off ourselves and focus on our goals.
Ask yourself, is what I believe an insecurity or the truth; new beginning vs insecurities.
Flipping the flow!
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