“Don’t Let It …” by Arnie Wohlgemut
You might have heard this before from your coach, your mentor or from someone close to you: “You let them get to you!”
It occurred to me that in this statement, the word “let” implies that you gave permission to have ‘them’ “…get to you”.
In this strange pandemic and careful reopening period, I have found some things bother me that otherwise, under “normal” circumstances, I wouldn’t have given them a second thought! The question I ask myself; “if I let those things get to me, why did I allow it?”
If you are like me, you really do let some things get to you.
It happens so quickly and in the subconsciousness of the mind. Permission you gave in your mind without even thinking about it.
Lesson one: Focus on what matters.
“One of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master how to remain calm.”
Catherine Pulsifer
I’m not saying we should be passive about everything. I am suggesting that you take control of what you give permission to – what you let get under your skin.
Many years ago, I learned the importance of “so what”. A simple question to ask yourself to help you measure the importance of issues, items or a report that might trigger a reaction. If the impact is in direct conflict with your values, you react accordingly.
Lesson two: Focus on being resilient.
“When we learn how to become resilient, we learn how to embrace the beautiful broad spectrum of the human experience.”
Jaeda Dewalt
I am reminded that palm trees are one of the most resilient trees on the earth. They bend to the wind, then they bounce back. All the bending actually strengthens the root system.
Many other trees are not as resilient; they do not bend as easily. In some cases, they simply break. In others the root system is simply not strong enough to keep them upright.
Resilience asks the question: “what can I learn from what is happening around me?”
Lesson three: Focus on creating the circumstances to get the desired result.
“Be aware the cost of impatience.”
Adam Knowles
Like this pandemic, the circumstance came from a source outside of my control. Life is like that. We face circumstances that are not of our creation. However, this is exactly where we can create a circumstance to get the desired result! It all starts with patience.
Using what we have learned in the first two lessons above, we can channel our energy and focus to what we would like the result to be. This may be personal growth, a new leadership skill or learning how to enjoy life more.
I want to be like the palm tree, let the troubles of this time pass by and strengthen me, not break me, or uproot my values.
I hope that you too will aim to be like a palm tree. Become more resilient and patient; building on the lesson’s life experience provides us.
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