Define Your Success! – by Arnie Wohlgemut
I was recently asked if I am living a life of success at the “edge of my ability”.
Honestly, that is a tough question. I believe there are two answers to that to that question:
- How do I define success in my life?
In some religions, success is measured by obedience to the rules or expectations. In the business world, success is based on financial gains and business growth. For the annual job evaluation, it is presumably based on performance. In social circles it’s defined by the magnitude of our possession such as, the biggest house or the nicest car.
Here are some things I notice: How we measure success and accept society’s assessment of our success can affect us personally.

One life coach suggested success is measured by resiliency over failure. She goes on to explain, everyone experiences failure and tragedy. You get fired, lose people you love and likely have periods of economic stress. But the ability to mourn, and then move on forces you to learn how to adapt and identify where your strengths lie.
Why do we measure our success with what we see in others versus how we live up to our life values?
In my case, I lost two jobs, my marriage, my first business failed, and lost my dad, The most influential male figure in my life, all by the age of 45. My ability to be resilient is a conscious effort on my part along with the support of those in my inner circle!
I believe that my resilience could define my success.
2. Can I really define the edge of my ability?
Our confidence has a direct effect on our team. It acts like a lid. When we demonstrate our lack of confidence, we diminish the confidence of our team. Do you know the signs? Craig Groeschel says, our language gives us away. “We speak the language of the lid. There are not enough hours in the day. I just can’t get it all done. There is not enough of me to go around. I’m not any good at this. I don’t know enough. They are all smarter than me. They are not going to like me.”
How many of us have bought into and made agreement with such limiting self talk?
“I used to say, ‘I sure hope things will change’. Then I learned that the only way things are going to change for me is when I change.”
Jim Rohn
The challenge and the opportunity is there. It is time for us to change our self talk; it’s time to change what you are saying to yourself. Whenever you find yourself wanting to push back – “that’s not true where I live” or “that’s not true in my case”, take note! This could be an opportunity for growth in confidence!
I have long believed that I can do more than the limits my mind has placed on my abilities. Your brain does not understand what you are capable of doing!
How can I define the edge of my ability if I am fully resourced and capable to achieve more than my brain understands!
So I ask you, are you living a life of success because of your resistance? Are you confidently pushing out the edges of your abilities?
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