Cool Shades and Sunny Days – By Arnie Wohlgemut
“People who have had little self-reflection live life in a huge reality blind-spot.”
Bryant McGill
As I look out my office window at the sunshine on this beautiful morning, I recalled an interaction with my mentor that I had years ago. It went something like this: “Experience is the best teacher,” he said, trying to comfort me. The disappointment must have been written all over my face, my plans didn’t deliver the results I had hoped for. I didn’t even know what the lesson was!
“Before you look at your future, reflect on your past.”
Sam Adeyemi
Over the years, I have had to drive some distance to and from for work. Friends and family did not understand why I was okay doing this. They tried influencing my decision to drive to meet people face to face. The dangers of long drives, heavy traffic, poor weather, was a notable concern for sure but, everything THEY needed was right in their backyard however, I did not live in their backyard.
“If we’re not enjoying life to it’s fullest potential, we are only experiencing it to 50% capacity!”
Ryan Wohlgemut
I strongly encourage you to find your own way to reflect on what has happened in your life. Quite possibly every problem you face may, be an opportunity in disguise. Reflect on those challenges that you faced and overcame and soak up how it brought out the best in you!
Could you identify why you where successful?
Whether it is a long drive with cool shades on or relaxing in your favourite place on a sunny day, make YOU a priority!
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