Photo By Luca Sartoni on Flickr
Circle of Influence Part Three – By Arnie Wohlgemut
In first two blogs of this series, I talked about your circle of influence being a) the people that influence your life, and b) those whose lives you influence in return.
In this blog I will discuss the bridge between being influenced and being an influence.
What you read, watch and participate in can influence you in both positive and negative ways. Expanding your knowledge so you can effectively influence others is a choice only you can make.
Here are some thoughts about selecting a ‘mentor’ who you may never meet:
- Select carefully what you read. Our minds absorb words and thoughts expressed in books and articles which can then quickly shape our opinions. Ask yourself: “Will this help me grow?” “Does the author express similar values as mine?”
- Listen to one ‘voice’ and learn from that person or source. Avoid the ‘shiny book syndrome’ and resist the urge to jump from self-help book to self-help book. It takes time to develop a new habit and positive mindset.
- Choose not to watch the evening news. You will find that you won’t miss all the negative things that are reported. I have done this for years and in fact, if I ‘missed’ hearing about a story, it becomes a conversation starter. I simply say, “I didn’t hear about that, tell me what happened!”
Our mind is a wonderful thing. Challenge it, expand your knowledge and be inspired to new heights of success.
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