A Problem to Every Solution – by Arnie Wohlgemut
“Put yourself in places and with people who will inspire you.”
John C. Maxwell
A year ago, I was asked by a former colleague if I “miss the crazy over here.”
The reality I have experienced is that, in a politically charged environment, crazy is the norm. It is a struggle to maintain a solution biased mindset.
We are all prone to do things in ways that simply generate more problems. Dr. Robert A. Rohm explains, “Most people are better at creating problems than they are at solving them. It is rare that you will find someone who thinks in terms of solutions.”
Here are three premises that have helped me maintain a solution biased mindset:
1. A solution biased mindset is key to choosing your own destiny — both in professional and personal terms. If you don’t choose your own destiny, someone will choose it for you.
“I’ve always been more successful when I focused my energies on how I could get something done, rather than how impossible the task was.”
Dane Holmes
2. Adopting a solution biased mindset will require you to believe that you already have a solution. It will demand more conscious thoughts to determine the real problem. The solution may be found in your subconscious mind that has stored every sense, impression and thought that has ever reached your brain, and presents itself in the form of an instinct or a gut feeling.
“Instincts help you explore the possibilities instead of protecting the probabilities.”
Angela Ahrendts
3. The solution biased mindset will also require you to believe that you have access to the solution. The solution may come from the mind of another person who has just shared it with you. It could be in the form of a thought, picture or concept. This often highlights the importance of selecting who you work with in a friendly alliance of minds for the purpose of finding a solution. These alliances in spirit of harmony, will stimulate your brain causing the solution to appear as inspiration.
Negative people who have a problem mindset can be found everywhere. You can identify these people by listening to the way they talk. They will explain the problem, go over the problem, review the problem, compound the problem, rehearse the problem over and over, and finally get stuck in the problem. Wow, not a place I want to encourage my people to be!!
“Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution.”
Albert Einstein
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